Happy Halloween!

as i sit and look outside, or as i drive down the road, i am constantly in awe of the beauty of this season.  the changing colors of the leaves, the crispness in the air, the warm cozy comfy winter clothes.  i think about my fall seasons as a child that were not filled with these things... every season was the same... some just wetter than others...and while i really dislike being cold... i really feel grateful for the perspective that living in the pacific northwest has given me...today, i see fall for what it is...a time of change...

i really really love how the universe works.. it never ceases to amaze me. these past few months it may have appeared as though I have been MIA to many.  and i sort of was.  disconnected from friends, family, sometimes even my own emotions...i spent the summer playing in nature, sometimes with friends but often alone, thinking, meditating, allowing myself to just be...it was heavenly...a very serene time.

what i see was really happening during these past several months was a quiet metamorphosis… one where i was looking inward, moving through fear and getting reconnected to self… to source. deep changes have been taking place… the very same changes i set intentions for on the last energetic new year…it has been a series of eye opening experiences… which have affirmed my need to pay close attention to my surroundings… to really practice my awareness… in even the tiniest moments when it is so easy to let life carry you away…the turning of the seasons also represents a changing in ourselves.  you too may have also noticed that you felt more tired recently, felt more like staying home, like hunkering down… perhaps even "anti-social"...not to fear!! its our way of preparing for the hibernation of winter, where the ‘seeds’ we have been actively growing all summer have a chance to really assimilate into our beings…so that in the spring we are renewed and our growth is exponential.  i continue to practice self care and seek balance with the ever changing demands of life…i spend a good deal of time in quiet reflection of self…seeing to know and understand myself even more…i feel excitement (and fear) about what the future holds..and i follow that fear with faith that the universe has my back… that the energies are here to support me as they always have been and always will be…and when i do this my fear quiets and my excitement and motivations increase.

Note to self: even when you make think you are not moving forward, you are. 


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