The Blossoming Soul
Love is the power that heals....

Love is the power that heals....


Sometimes we find ourselves in a rut.  We may feel like we are treading water, making no real progress.  We may feel stuck, unhappy, restless, irritable, and unsure why.  These are signs that we are not living authentically.  Coaching can help you: 

  • increase awareness and gain clarity

  • release what is holding you back, move through fear

  • increase productivity and organization

  • achieve both small goals and big dreams

  • live authentically

  • find your inspiration and finally start living the life you deserve

Some people will benefit from just a few sessions, while others will find the most success with the packages.  If you are not sure what you need, that is OK!!  We will go over what you bring to the table and design a program that works for you!  

Packages:  Sessions are once weekly- with unlimited email access.  Committing to a package helps you to stay connected to your process-allowing your intellect to witness growth and movement towards your souls goals.            



Reiki is a form of Japanese energy work that helps identify and clear energy constrictions and blockages in our chakras and energy system that keep us stuck.  Many of my coaching clients start here, as this type of healing work can help clear the blocks our intellect maintains which keep us from even know what kind of life we really want to live! Skype/FaceTime sessions are available



Additional Services Offered: 

Personal Assistant/Organizer

Is your to do list growing?  Do you feel like you cant get out from underneath it?  Would you rather be living your best life? 

Do you struggle to find the things you need when you need them?  Do you wish things flowed more smoothly in your life?  

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you can benefit from a personal assistant!  Please inquire to see how we can assist you in this area